Experience as Theatre Teacher

Elementary, Middle and High School

Quito, Ecuador 

Maribel Acosta (MAG Art)

future project

One Voice 

Different people, different roots, one place, ONE VOICE


North Charleston

Arts Festival


​May 2014


Quito, Ecuador

Maribel Acosta (MAG Art)

El trabajo del grupo de  teatro Hispano MAG otorga importancia al proceso de trabajo, donde cada participante es creador de sus personajes y de sus historias en cada ejercicio. Experimentan a partir de pautas de trabajo y se le motiva a crear su propia rutina, este proceso dejará no solo una experiencia artística sino también una herramienta para su vida diaria, al enfrentar retos y emociones. Relajación, concentración, comunicación y trabajo en  equipo, son nuestros principales objetivos, en vias de una presentación artística y como parte de una educación en valores humanos y construcción de ideas. 




Building scenery for the play "The Little Prince" 

Copyright 2013. MAG Art Studio. 

All rights reserved. 

The Post and Courier 

Sunday, November 16, 2014



Project in collaboration with

AccessAbility and The House of Night Falcon Studio, 

Education through Theater, through 4 stories filmed in video format

Thanks to Mystic Productions and Universal Latin News by the following photos in stage adaptation The Little Prince

Mag Art Studio created Art Pot

Workshops, education through theater and  performances

Talleres de arte, educación a través del teatro y presentaciones

The work of the Hispanic Theater Group MAG gives importance to the work process, where each participant is the creator of their characters and their stories in each exercises. They experience from working patterns and are motivates to create their work routine, this process will leave not only an artistic experience but also a tool for everyday life, facing challenges and emotions. Relaxation, concentration, communication and teamwork are our primary goals, aiming an artistic presentation and as part of an education in human values ​​and building ideas.

We have a responsibility to make a social, cultural and educational impact in our region.

Tenemos la responsabilidad de hacer un impacto social, cultural y educativo en nuestra región.

Project in collaboration with Pilgrims International 
Education through Theater,

through a bilingual play

ABC News- Charleston

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) -- An Hispanic family whose passion for the arts is making history at the North Charleston Arts Festival. The Castillo family play is set to be the first Spanish play of North Charleston.

The Castillo family loves the arts. Gino Castillo is a musician, his wife Maribel Acosta is an Artist, Director and playwright, and their two children dance and act.

“Our house eats, sleeps and breathes the arts 24/7, we never stop,” said Gino Castillo.

Since March, the family has been working on a play written and directed by Acosta.

What started off as the family doing what they love grew into something bigger than they expected.

“The play is the first play totally in Spanish, in the history of the cultural arts of North Charleston,” said Lydia Cotton, the Hispanic Liaison for the city of North Charleston. “This is an important part of our heritage and our language and we will be able to share this with the American people.”

“That is amazing we had no idea,” said Castillo.

“It’s a big responsibility because you have to come and do it again bigger and better next year,” said Acosta.

Acosta said the play is based on the  French novel The Little Prince. The plot is about adults tapping into their youth.

“Many adults lose a lot of the child that they have within them, that innocence, the pureness, they become people who are supposedly very important and busy, and they stop appreciating those things that are important,” said Acosta.

The family says even though the play is in Spanish, it’s not just for Latinos.

“Americans who like to speak in Spanish, and somebody who doesn’t know nothing about Spanish and has interest in the Latino culture, they can come too,” said Castillo.

The play debuts Friday at Sterett Hall Auditorium. It’s a part of the North Charleston Arts Festival.

Video on: http://www.abcnews4.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=10121723